Friday 26 June 2015

9701 MCQ Solution 36

Question 36: [Inorganic > Nitrogen and Sulfur]:
Ammonia and chlorine react in the gas phase.
8NH3 + 3Cl2 à N2 + 6NH4Cl
Which statements are correct?
1 Ammonia behaves as a reducing agent.
2 Ammonia behaves as a base.
3 The oxidation number of the hydrogen changes.
Reference: Past Exam Paper – November 2002 Paper 1 Q36

Solution 36:
Answer: B.

The chlorine atoms change oxidation state from 0 to -1 which is reduction hence ammonia has caused reduction and 1 is correct. 
A base is a proton (H+) acceptor and ammonia does this when becoming an ammonium ion in the ammonium salt, thus 2 is also correct. 
Oxidation number of hydrogen does not change; in ammonia: +1, in salt: +1, thus 3 is incorrect and the correct option is B.

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