Tuesday 21 July 2015

9701 MCQ Solution 45

Question 45: [Physical > Atomic Strcuture]

which of the following solids has a simple molecular lattice?

A magnesium oxide
B sodium
C silicon(IV) oxide
D sulphur

Reference: Past Exam Paper -June 2003 Paper Q5

Solution 45:

Answer: D

magnesium oxide is an ionic compound therefore the ions Mg 2+ and O 2- are held in a giant ionic lattice
sodium is a metal therefore the cation is held in a sea of delocalised electrons in a metallic lattice
in silicon(IV) oxide structure each silicon is bonded to 4 oxygen atoms and each oxygen atom is bonded to 2 silicon atoms in a giant molecular structure
sulphur is held in a simple molecular structure with weak van der Waals’ forces or also known as instantaneous dipole induced dipole forces. between sulphur molecules therefore answer is D.

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