Friday 28 August 2015

9701 MCQ Solution 68

Question 68: [Organic > Carbonyl Compounds]
In its reaction with sodium, 1 mol of a compound X gives 1 mol of H2(g).
Which compound might X be?
Reference: Past Exam Paper –June 2003 Paper 1 Q28

Solution 68:
Answer: D.

1 alcohol group reacts with 1 Na atom to produce 1 hydrogen atom. The same occurs for 1 carboxylic acid group. 2 form 1 mole of H2 the compound would need to produce 2 H atoms. This can only be done if the compound has 2 alcohol groups, or 2 carboxylic acid groups, or 1 of each. In option A, there is only 1 alcohol group. In option B, there is also only 1 alcohol group. In option C, there is 1 carboxylic acid group. In option D, there is 1 carboxylic acid group and 1 alcohol group. Thus option D is the correct answer.

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