Friday 7 August 2015

9701 MCQ Solution 74

Question 74: [Physical > Chemical Bonding]

Which of the following statements are correct for the sequence of compounds below considered from left to right?
1 The electronegativity difference between the elements in each compound increases. 2 The formula-units of these compounds are isoelectronic (have the same number of electrons). 3 The bonding becomes increasingly covalent

Reference: Past Exam Paper -June 2003 Paper 1 Q34

Solution 74:

Answer: C.

Statement 1 is false because NaF has the greatest difference in electronegativity; one is from group 1 while the other is in group 7.
Statement 2 is true, they all have 18 electrons
Statement 3 is true because initially the bonding is between a non-metal and a metal but by the end it is between two non-metals.

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