9701 MCQ Solution 51

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Question 51: [Physical > Equilibria]

Why is ethanoic acid a stronger acid in liquid ammonia than in aqueous solution?

A Ammonia is a stronger base than water.
B Ammonium ethanoate is completely ionised in aqueous solution.
C Ammonium ethanoate is strongly acidic in aqueous solution.
D Liquid ammonia is a more polar solvent than water.

Reference: Past Exam Paper -June 2003 Paper Q11

Solution 51:

Answer: A.

If Ammonia is a stronger base than water does that mean it can accept hydrogen ions more readily than water from ethanoic acid? yes therefore if Ammonia is a stronger base than water it can make ethanoic acid lose more hydrogen ions and dissociates more readily. therefore an acid is called a strong acid when there is complete dissociation , more readily dissociation , therefore ethanoic acid becomes a stronger acid in liquid Ammonia than in water.


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