9701 MCQ Solution 35

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Question 35: [Inorganic > Group 7]:
The element astatine lies below iodine in Group VII of the Periodic Table.

What will be the properties of astatine?

1 It forms diatomic molecules which dissociate more readily than chlorine molecules.
2 It reacts explosively with hydrogen.
3 It is a good reducing agent.
Reference: Past Exam Paper – November 2002 Paper 1 Q35

Solution 35:
Answer: D.

Astatine is a larger atom than chlorine. When it forms a diatomic molecule it will have a greater distance between atoms thus will be weaker and disassociate more readily, hence 1 is correct. 
As the lowest halogen on the periodic table it is the least reactive, thus will not react explosively with hydrogen. 
Since 2 is incorrect 3 must be incorrect and the only valid option is D.


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